Sunday, September 22, 2013

Inspire Me Monday!! #4

Hello Friends! Happy Monday to you all! I had a great week and hope to get some more posts in to show you what I have been up to. For now a few things inspirational.

So I am sharing a picture of my laundry room on one of its better days for my own boost of inspiration. It looks oh so good in this shot but at the moment the dryer is covered in loose ends from pockets. Lots of shirts that are being spotted for stains and some more of this and that.... And if you could see the floor now it is littered in dirty clothes piles ready to wash..... needless to say.... I want my laundry room back and I'm going to get it done!

I love the chairs in this next picture. I've got two in my dining room to refinish and I am excited to get them done. 

This old chair is  a happy home for a few Cinderella pumpkins. It just needs some color like some pretty purple or red mums at the side. I am loving fall!

With hunting season full on I have to post this antler bowl. I have seen antlers in a lot of beautiful homes that aren't necessarily your typical rustic lodge home and it adds some fun natural elements. 

Not all things decor inspire me. This simple picture of a child's hand clinging to it's mother's hand speaks more that words can. These little hands are what inspire me most. I'm glad I get to care for my four beautiful children. These past few weeks I have really gone out of my way to find more time to really play with them and listen to them. To sit on the floor with them and laugh with them. 

I might not get all I want to get done in a day but I sure am glad I can spend it with them. I need to realize more often that the messes in a house can just wait and kids will be kids. They won't be kids forever. 

Someday I just might miss those fingerprints on the windows. Enjoy the moments that matter!

Hope you all have a great week and can conquer your to-do lists. 

It can be done!


Monday, September 16, 2013

Inspire Me Monday!!!! #3

Happy Monday Everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend! This last week was a busy one followed by a busy weekend. Glad to start fresh again. Here are some inspirations for you all! 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Inspire Me Monday!! #2

Another week has come and gone. Monday is here once again and I am rejuvenated and fueled for a new week ahead. I have a little list of goals this week and hope to tackle them with an attitude of excitement. Do you  have a few goals in mind? Here are a few things that have given me inspiration to keep me going with the  sometimes monotonous tasks a Woman can have.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Paper Book Pumpkins

I want to introduce you to a creative blogger from Atlanta, Georgia named Katie. You may have heard of her blog Upcycled Treasures. She made these cute paper pumpkins for a fall tablescape to share. I asked her also to share 5 things about herself and I giggled at her quick response:
1. I'm getting married on Oct. 19th 
2. I can say the alphabet backwards 
3. I'm a vegetarian 
4. I'm afraid of the dark {I know I'm lame} 
5. My favorite drink is a Starbucks soy chai tea latte with no water and 2 pumps of vanilla
Her personally is great! A big congrats on her upcoming wedding and anyone that can say the alphabet backwards must make a mean paper pumpkin! {Learn more about her here}.

Now lets check out her skills!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Easy NO ZIPPER Slipcover Pillows Tutorial

Store bought pillows often have no zipper or way to remove the pillow cover when it needs washed leaving pillows looking dingy after time.  In this tutorial you will learn how to make your own pillows with good quality fabric that can be removed for washing with the convenience of no zipper to sew in. And my favorite part ..... IT WAS CHEAP!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Inspire Me Monday!!

I don't know about you but some Mondays I need need a little push and shove of inspiration to get my week going right. After the weekend tornado has come and gone it is always good to see some decor goodness to aspire to and get my home on the right track again. Seeing lovely things and spaces that are in order please my eyes! 
I also love before and afters of things askew. I think to myself "I can do that too!" (the putting things in order part.....believe me I can do askew!). I'm such nerd I go as far as taking photos of my own chaos and then snapping pics of the goodness that follows a hard days work of cleaning and rearranging. Someday I will get brave enough to show you my stash of pictures. I like to go through them once in a while. Sooooo.... enough rambling.... I would like to share some of the goodness I see that inspires me!